The Unofficial Site for people who like Spencer, Lindsay, Erik, Laney and Joshua McBride.
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Erik + Bathroom Sink= Fun
In January, Erik learned to climb onto the bathroom counter and into the bathroom sink. He loves to sit in the sink, play with the things left on the counter and to brush his teeth, all from within the friendly confines of the bathroom sink!
NOTE: Since February, Erik is no longer allowed in the sink because he insists on turning on the water, even if he is fully clothed.
That is so cute, Erik is trying to brush his teeth! I love his hair, too! I found your blog a while ago, and I'm so happy you guys are updating! Fiona said "Wow, he is so big!",and Lidsay, you are remembered as Aunty Lindsay who taught her how to play UNO.
Our Branch of the McBride family was established in August 2005 when Lindsay and Spencer were married for time and all eternity in the San Diego California Temple. Its ranks grew to three in August 2006 when Erik Clark McBride was born in Kailua, Hawaii. We now number four with the addition of Laney De McBride, born in August 2008 in Poway, California (I guess we are just August people). So welcome to our fan club's unofficial website. We are, afterall, our own biggest fans!
Erik! Erik! ERIK!!! Your hair is so awesome!!!
THANK YOU for updating your bleepity bleepity blog! I've been dying over here on this rock waiting ever so impatiently.
Beard story= laugh out loud. Spencer you're so good at expressing yourself!
Oh my goodness he is so stinking cute you guys...
That's the cute little Erik smile I miss! Darling!
That is so cute, Erik is trying to brush his teeth! I love his hair, too! I found your blog a while ago, and I'm so happy you guys are updating!
Fiona said "Wow, he is so big!",and Lidsay, you are remembered as Aunty Lindsay who taught her how to play UNO.
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